SB 12.11.4

सूत उवाच
नमस्कृत्य गुरून् वक्ष्ये विभूतीर्वैष्णवीरपि ।
या: प्रोक्ता वेदतन्त्राभ्यामाचार्यै: पद्मजादिभि: ॥ ४ ॥
sūta uvāca
namaskṛtya gurūn vakṣye
vibhūtīr vaiṣṇavīr api
yāḥ proktā veda-tantrābhyām
ācāryaiḥ padmajādibhiḥ


sūtaḥ uvāca — Sūta Gosvāmī said; namaskṛtya — offering obeisances; gurūn — to the spiritual masters; vakṣye — I shall speak; vibhūtīḥ — the opulences; vaiṣṇavīḥ — belonging to Lord Viṣṇu; api — indeed; yāḥ — which; proktāḥ — are described; veda-tantrābhyām — by the Vedas and the tantras; ācāryaiḥ — by standard authorities; padmaja-ādibhiḥ — beginning with Lord Brahmā.


Sūta Gosvāmī said: Offering obeisances to my spiritual masters, I shall repeat to you the description of the opulences of Lord Viṣṇu given in the Vedas and tantras by great authorities, beginning from lotus-born Brahmā.

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