SB 12.11.44
विश्वामित्रो मखापेत ऊर्जमासं नयन्त्यमी ॥ ४४ ॥
viṣṇur aśvataro rambhā
sūryavarcāś ca satyajit
viśvāmitro makhāpeta
ūrja-māsaṁ nayanty amī
viṣṇuḥ aśvataraḥ rambhā — Viṣṇu, Aśvatara and Rambhā; sūryavarcāḥ — Sūryavarcā; ca — and; satyajit — Satyajit; viśvāmitraḥ makhāpetaḥ — Viśvāmitra and Makhāpeta; ūrja-māsam — the month of Ūrja (Kārttika); nayanti — rule; amī — these.
Viṣṇu as the sun-god, Aśvatara as the Nāga, Rambhā as the Apsarā, Sūryavarcā as the Gandharva, Satyajit as the Yakṣa, Viśvāmitra as the sage and Makhāpeta as the Rākṣasa rule the month of Ūrja.
All these sun-gods and their associates are mentioned in divisions in the Kūrma Purāṇa, as follows:
varuṇaś cendra eva ca
vivasvān atha pūṣā ca
parjanyaś cāṁśur eva ca
ādityā dvādaśa smṛtāḥ
pulastyaḥ pulahaś cātrir
vasiṣṭo ’thāṅgirā bhṛguḥ
kaśyapaḥ kratur eva ca
jamadagniḥ kauśikaś ca
munayo brahma-vādināḥ
grāmaṇīḥ surucis tathā
ratha-citrasvanaḥ śrotā
aruṇaḥ senajit tathā
tārkṣya ariṣṭanemiś ca
ṛtajit satyajit tathā
pauruṣeyo vadhas tathā
varyo vyāghras tathāpaś ca
vāyur vidyud divākaraḥ
yajñāpetaś ca rākṣakāḥ
vāsukiḥ kacchanīraś ca
takṣakaḥ śukra eva ca
dhanañjayo mahāpadmas
tathā karkoṭako dvijāḥ
vahanty enaṁ yathā-kramam
tumburur nārado hāhā
hūhūr viśvāvasus tathā
viśvavasur athāparaḥ
citrasenas tathorṇāyur
dhṛṭarāṣṭro dvijottamāḥ
gandharvā gāyatāṁ varāḥ
kṛtasthaly apsaro-varyā
tathānyā puñjikasthalī
pramlocā ca dvijottamāḥ
anumlocā ghṛtācī ca
viśvācī corvaśī tathā
anyā caiva tilottamā
rambhā ceti dvija-śreṣṭhās
tathaivāpsarasaḥ smṛtāḥ
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