SB 4.7.60
श्रुतं भागवताच्छिष्यादुद्धवान्मे बृहस्पते: ॥ ६० ॥
etad bhagavataḥ śambhoḥ
karma dakṣādhvara-druhaḥ
śrutaṁ bhāgavatāc chiṣyād
uddhavān me bṛhaspateḥ
etat — this; bhagavataḥ — of the possessor of all opulences; śambhoḥ — of Śambhu (Lord Śiva); karma — story; dakṣa-adhvara-druhaḥ — who devastated the sacrifice of Dakṣa; śrutam — was heard; bhāgavatāt — from a great devotee; śiṣyāt — from the disciple; uddhavāt — from Uddhava; me — by me; bṛhaspateḥ — of Bṛhaspati.
Maitreya said: My dear Vidura, I heard this story of the Dakṣa yajña, which was devastated by Lord Śiva, from Uddhava, a great devotee and a disciple of Bṛhaspati.
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