ŚB 3.4.18

ज्ञानं परं स्वात्मरह:प्रकाशं
प्रोवाच कस्मै भगवान् समग्रम् ।
अपि क्षमं नो ग्रहणाय भर्त-
र्वदाञ्जसा यद् वृजिनं तरेम ॥ १८ ॥
jñānaṁ paraṁ svātma-rahaḥ-prakāśaṁ
provāca kasmai bhagavān samagram
api kṣamaṁ no grahaṇāya bhartar
vadāñjasā yad vṛjinaṁ tarema


jñānam — knowledge; param — supreme; sva-ātma — own self; rahaḥ — mystery; prakāśam — enlightening; provāca — said; kasmai — unto Ka (Brahmājī); bhagavān — the Personality of Godhead; samagram — in sum total; api — if so; kṣamam — able; naḥ — unto me; grahaṇāya — acceptable; bhartaḥ — O my Lord; vada — say; añjasā — in detail; yat — that which; vṛjinam — miseries; tarema — can cross over.


My Lord, kindly explain to us, if You think us competent to receive it, that transcendental knowledge which gives enlightenment about Yourself and which You explained before to Brahmājī.


A pure devotee like Uddhava has no material afflictions because he engages constantly in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. A devotee feels afflicted without the association of the Lord. Constant remembrance of the Lord’s activities keeps the devotee alive, and therefore Uddhava requested that the Lord please enlighten him with the knowledge of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, as previously instructed to Brahmājī.

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