
Song Name: Sri Hari Vasare Hari Kirtana Vidhana
Official Name: Sriman Mahaprabhur Hari Vasara Vrata Palana
Author: Vrndavana Das Thakura

śrī hari-vāsare hari-kīrtana-vidhāna
nṛtya ārambhilā prabhu jagatera prāṇa
puṇyavanta śrīvāsa-ańgane śubhārambha
uṭhila kīrtana-dhvani ‘gopāla’ ‘govinda’
mṛdańga-mandirā bāje śańkha-karatāla
sańkīrtana-sańge saba haila miśāla
brahmāṇḍe bhedila dhvani pūriyā ākāśa
caudikera amańgala sarva jaya nāsa
uṣaḥ-kāla haite nṛtya kare viśvambhara
yūtha yūtha haila jata gayana sundara
śrīvāsa-paṇḍita laiyā eka sampradāya
mukunda laiyā āra jana-kata gāya
laiyā govinda ghoṣa āra kata-jana
gauracandra-nṛtye sabe karena kīrtana
dhariyā bulena nityānanda mahābalī
alakṣite advaita layena pada-dhūli
gadādhara-ādi jata sajala-nayane
ānande vihvala haila prabhura kīrtane
jakhana uddaṇḍa nāce prabhu viśvambhara
pṛthivī kampita haya, sabe pāya ḍara
kakhana vā madhura nācaye viśvambhara
jena dekhi nandera nandana naṭavara
aparūpa kṛṣṇāveśa, aparūpa nṛtya
ānande nayana bhari’ dekhe saba bhṛtya
nijānande nāce mahāprabhu viśvambhara
caraṇera tāla śuni ati manohara
bhāva-vese mālā nāhi rahaye galāya
chiṇḍiyā paḍaye giyā bhakatera gāya
catur-dike śrī-hari-mańgala-sańkīrtana
madhye nāce jagannātha-miśrera nandana
jā’ra nāmānande śiva-vasana nā jāne
jā’ra raśe nāce śiva, se nāce āpane
jā’ra nāme vālmīki hailā tapodhana
jā’ra nāme ajāmila pāila mocana
jā’ra nāma śravaṇe saṁsāra-bandha ghuce
hena prabhu avatāri’ kali-yuge nāce
jā’ra nāma laiya śuka-nārada beḍāya
sahasra-vadana prabhu jā’ra guṇa gāya
sarva mahā-prāyaścitta je prabhura nāma
se-prabhu nācaye, dekhe jata bhāgyavāna
prabhura ānanda dekhi’ bhāgavata-gaṇa
anyonye galā dhari’ karaye krandana
sabāra ańgete śobhe śrī candana-mālā
ānande gāyena kṛṣṇa-rase hai’ bholā
jateka vaiṣṇava-saba kīrtana-āveśe
nā jāne āpana deha, anya jana kise
jaya kṛṣṇa-murāri-mukunda-vanamālī
ahar-niśa gāya sabe hai’ kutūhalī
ahar-niśa bhakta-sańge nāce viśvambhara
śrānti nāhi kāra, sabe sattva-kalevara
ei-mata nāce mahāprabhu viśvambhara
niśi avaśeṣa mātra se eka prahara
ei-mata ānanda haya navadvīpa-pure
prema-rase vaikuṇṭhera nāyaka vihare
e sakala puṇya kathā je kare śravaṇa
bhakta-sańge gauracandre rahu tā’ra mana
śrī kṛṣṇa-caitanya-nityānanda-cāda jāna
vṛndāvana-dāsa prabhu pada-yuge gāna


1) On Ekadasi day Mahaprabhu, who is the life and soul of all beings, decreed that every-one should gather for kirtana. Hearing the sound of His own name, He began to dance in ecstasy.

2) In Srivasa-angana, Srivasa Thakura’s divine courtyard, He inaugurated the auspicious reverberations of the kirtana in a booming voice: “Gopala! Govinda!”

3) In the courtyard the sounds of the mrdanga, small cymbals, conch, karatalas and beautiful singing all mixed together.

4) The loud sound passed through the entire brahmanda and filled the whole sky reaching Svetadvipa, destroying everything inauspicious in all the fourteen worlds.

5) From morning Visvambhara He who nourishes and maintains the whole universe by bhakti started dancing. Many groups sang charmingly – each group singing a different melody.

6) Srivasa Pandita was the guru of one group of kirtaniyas, and Mukunda was the lead singer of another.

7) Govinda Ghosa was the head of another group. Gauracandra danced in the middle of the whole kirtana party.

8) The mighty Nityananda Prabhu protected Mahaprabhu when He swooned while dancing as Advaita Acarya secretly took His foot-dust at that time.

9) Tears came to Gadadhara, Mukunda, Sridhara and others upon hearing Mahaprabhu’s kirtana, as the rising of asta-sattvika bhavas overwhelmed their hearts.

10) Visvambhara danced with so much force that the earth trembled, causing all the devotees to become afraid.

11) Sometimes Visvambhara danced so gracefully and sweetly that He appeared to be natavara Nanda-nandana, the best of dancers.

12) Mahaprabhu’s beauty is unequalled and unsurpassed; defeating even Krsna’s beauty even Krsna has no mahabhava. All His followers’ eyes filled with ananda seeing His dancing.

13) Mahaprabhu Visvambhara danced, absorbed in ananda. Hearing the rhythm of His dancing feet, the devotees became spellbound

14) As Mahaprabhu danced, being filled with bhava, His garland could not stay around His neck but broke, all the flowers falling at the feet of His devotees.

15) The auspicious sounds of sri harinama-sankirtana spread in every direction while Jagannatha Misra’s son danced in the midst of all the devotees.

16) Siva chants the same blissful name and becomes so absorbed in prema that his cloth falls down. Hearing Mahaprabhu’s glories, Siva starts to dance, and Mahaprabhu, hearing His own glories, also dances.

17) By this same nama Valmiki achieved the wealth of austerity – he saw all Rama lila. And by this same nama all of Ajamila’s anarthas and aparadhas were pulled out by the root.

18) Hearing sri krsna-nama totally cuts all worldly attachments. Sri Krsna Himself came in Kali-yuga as Mahaprabhu, dancing and advising all to chant krsna-nama.

19) Sukadeva and Narada also chant this krsna-nama and distribute it. With thousands of tongues Mahaprabhu sings the glories of this nama.

20) Taking Mahaprabhu’s name constitutes the highest form of atonement. Seeing Mahaprabhu dancing, the devotees became supremely fortunate.

21) Seeing Mahaprabhu’s bliss, the devotees embraced each other and wept loudly as the rays of Mahaprabhu’s ananda entered their hearts.

22) All the devotees attended kirtana and Mahaprabhu personally decorated their bodies with candana and garlands. Sri Gaurasundara and the devotees sang and tasted krsnarasa with great joy.

23) Absorbed in kirtana, all the Vaisnava devotees completely lost sense of their own bodies and everyone else around them.

24) “Jaya krsna, murari, mukunda, vanamali.” Day and night all the devotees sang kirtana in great happiness.

25) Visvambhara danced twenty-four hours with His devotees but never tired, because His body was sattva-kalevara, fully transcendental.

26) Daily Mahaprabhu in full prema danced in kirtana the whole night, and only stopped three hours before sunrise.

27) Daily Mahaprabhu, the hero who enjoys the prema-rasa of Vaikuntha Svetadvipa, tasted and distributed great bliss in Navadvipa.

28) Gauracandra and all His associates enter in the hearts of the devotees who hear the allvirtuous hari-katha with full faith. Thus their hearts become Srivasa-angana.

29) Vrndavana dasa says, “Sri Krsna Caitanya and the moon-like Nityananda Prabhu are my life and soul and I offer my dandavat-pranama at Their lotus feet.”

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