SB 4.7.16
क्षमाप्यैवं स मीढ्वांसं ब्रह्मणा चानुमन्त्रित: ।
कर्म सन्तानयामास सोपाध्यायर्त्विगादिभि: ॥ १६ ॥
maitreyaḥ — the sage Maitreya; uvāca — said; kṣamā — forgiveness; āpya — receiving; evam — thus; - — King Dakṣa; mīḍhvāṁsam — unto Lord Śiva; brahmaṇā — along with Lord Brahmā; ca — also; anumantritaḥ — being permitted; karma — the sacrifice; santānayām āsa — began again; sa — along with; upādhyāya — learned sages; ṛtvik — the priests; ādibhiḥ — and others.
The great sage Maitreya said: Thus being pardoned by Lord Śiva, King Dakṣa, with the permission of Lord Brahmā, again began the performance of the yajña, along with the great learned sages, the priests and others.
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