
SB 4.5.6

अन्वीयमान: स तु रुद्रपार्षदै-
र्भृशं नदद्‌भिर्व्यनदत्सुभैरवम् ।
उद्यम्य शूलं जगदन्तकान्तकं
सम्प्राद्रवद् घोषणभूषणाङ्‌घ्रि: ॥ ६ ॥


anvīyamānaḥ — being followed; - — he (Vīrabhadra); tu — but; rudra-pārṣadaiḥ — by the soldiers of Lord Śiva; bhṛśam — tumultuously; nadadbhiḥ — roaring; vyanadat — sounded; su-bhairavam — very fearful; udyamya — carrying; śūlam — a trident; jagat-antaka — death; antakam — killing; samprādravat — hurried towards (the sacrifice of Dakṣa); ghoṣaṇa — roaring; bhūṣaṇa-aṅghriḥ — with bangles on his legs.


Many other soldiers of Lord Śiva followed the fierce personality in a tumultuous uproar. He carried a great trident, fearful enough to kill even death, and on his legs he wore bangles which seemed to roar.

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