SB 4.5.25
भूतप्रेतपिशाचानां अन्येषां तद्विपर्यय: ॥ २५ ॥
sādhu-vādaḥ — joyful exclamation; tadā — at that time; teṣām — of those (followers of Lord Śiva); karma — action; tat — that; tasya — of him (Vīrabhadra); paśyatām — seeing; bhūta-preta-piśācānām — of the bhūtas (ghosts), pretas and piśācas; anyeṣām — of the others (in the party of Dakṣa); tat-viparyayaḥ — the opposite of that (an exclamation of grief).
Upon seeing the action of Vīrabhadra, the party of Lord Śiva was pleased and cried out joyfully, and all the bhūtas, ghosts and demons that had come made a tumultuous sound. On the other hand, the brāhmaṇas in charge of the sacrifice cried out in grief at the death of Dakṣa.
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