
SB 4.2.24

विद्याबुद्धिरविद्यायां कर्ममय्यामसौ जड: ।
संसरन्त्विह ये चामुमनु शर्वावमानिनम् ॥ २४ ॥


vidyā-buddhiḥ — materialistic education and intelligence; avidyāyām — in nescience; karma-mayyām — formed of fruitive activities; asau — he (Dakṣa); jaḍaḥ — dull; saṁsarantu — let them take birth again and again; iha — here in this world; ye — who; ca — and; amum — Dakṣa; anu — following; śarva — Śiva; avamāninam — insulting.


Those who have become as dull as matter by cultivating materialistic education and intelligence are nesciently involved in fruitive activities. Such men have purposely insulted Lord Śiva. May they continue in the cycle of repeated birth and death.


The three curses mentioned above are sufficient to make one as dull as stone, void of spiritual knowledge and preoccupied with materialistic education, which is nescience. After uttering these curses, Nandīśvara then cursed the brāhmaṇas to continue in the cycle of birth and death because of their supporting Dakṣa in blaspheming Lord Śiva.

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