SB 4.2.17
मैत्रेय उवाच
विनिन्द्यैवं स गिरिशमप्रतीपमवस्थितम् ।
दक्षोऽथाप उपस्पृश्य क्रुद्ध: शप्तुं प्रचक्रमे ॥ १७ ॥
maitreyaḥ uvāca — Maitreya said; vinindya — abusing; evam — thus; - — he (Dakṣa); giriśam — Śiva; apratīpam — without any hostility; avasthitam — remaining; dakṣaḥ — Dakṣa; atha — now; apaḥ — water; upaspṛśya — washing hands and mouth; kruddhaḥ — angry; śaptum — to curse; pracakrame — began to.
The sage Maitreya continued: Thus Dakṣa, seeing Lord Śiva sitting as if against him, washed his hands and mouth and cursed him in the following words.
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