
SB 4.13.49

अलक्षयन्त: पदवीं प्रजापते-
र्हतोद्यमा: प्रत्युपसृत्य ते पुरीम् ।
ऋषीन् समेतानभिवन्द्य साश्रवो
न्यवेदयन् पौरव भर्तृविप्लवम् ॥ ४९ ॥


alakṣayantaḥ — not finding; padavīm — any trace; prajāpateḥ — of King Aṅga; hata-udyamāḥ — having become disappointed; pratyupasṛtya — after returning; te — those citizens; purīm — to the city; ṛṣīn — the great sages; sametān — assembled; abhivandya — after making respectful obeisances; sa-aśravaḥ — with tears in their eyes; nyavedayan — informed; paurava — O Vidura; bhartṛ — of the King; viplavam — the absence.


When the citizens could not find any trace of the King after searching for him everywhere, they were very disappointed, and they returned to the city, where all the great sages of the country assembled because of the King’s absence. With tears in their eyes the citizens offered respectful obeisances and informed the sages in full detail that they were unable to find the King anywhere.


Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Fourth Canto, Thirteenth Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled “Description of the Descendants of Dhruva Mahārāja.”

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