
SB 4.13.38

सा तत्पुंसवनं राज्ञी प्राश्य वै पत्युरादधे ।
गर्भं काल उपावृत्ते कुमारं सुषुवेऽप्रजा ॥ ३८ ॥


sā — she; tat — that food; pum-savanam — which produces a male child; rājñī — the Queen; prāśya — eating; vai — indeed; patyuḥ — from the husband; ādadhe — conceived; garbham — pregnancy; kāle — when the due time; upāvṛtte — appeared; kumāram — a son; suṣuve — gave birth to; aprajā — having no son.


Although the Queen had no son, after eating that food, which had the power to produce a male child, she became pregnant by her husband, and in due course of time she gave birth to a son.


Among the ten kinds of purificatory processes, one is puṁ-savanam, in which the wife is offered some prasāda, or remnants of foodstuff offered to Lord Viṣṇu, so that after sexual intercourse with her husband she may conceive a child.

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