
SB 4.13.30

नागच्छन्त्याहुता देवा न गृह्णन्ति ग्रहानिह ।
सदसस्पतयो ब्रूत किमवद्यं मया कृतम् ॥ ३० ॥


na — not; āgacchanti — are coming; āhutāḥ — being invited; devāḥ — the demigods; na — not; gṛhṇanti — are accepting; grahān — shares; iha — in the sacrifice; sadasaḥ-patayaḥ — my dear priests; brūta — kindly tell me; kim — what; avadyam — offense; mayā — by me; kṛtam — was committed.


King Aṅga addressed the priestly order: My dear priests, kindly tell me what offense I have committed. Although invited, the demigods are neither taking part in the sacrifice nor accepting their shares.

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