SB 4.13.29
अङ्गो द्विजवच: श्रुत्वा यजमान: सुदुर्मना: ।
तत्प्रष्टुं व्यसृजद्वाचं सदस्यांस्तदनुज्ञया ॥ २९ ॥
maitreyaḥ uvāca — the great sage Maitreya answered; aṅgaḥ — King Aṅga; dvija-vacaḥ — the brāhmaṇas’ words; śrutvā — after hearing; yajamānaḥ — the performer of the sacrifice; sudurmanāḥ — very much aggrieved in mind; tat — about that; praṣṭum — in order to inquire; vyasṛjat vācam — he spoke; sadasyān — to the priests; tat — their; anujñayā — taking permission.
Maitreya explained that King Aṅga, after hearing the statements of the priests, was greatly aggrieved. At that time he took permission from the priests to break his silence and inquired from all the priests who were present in the sacrificial arena.
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