
SB 4.13.17

उल्मुकोऽजनयत्पुत्रान्पुष्करिण्यां षडुत्तमान् ।
अङ्गं सुमनसं ख्यातिं क्रतुमङ्गिरसं गयम् ॥ १७ ॥


ulmukaḥ — Ulmuka; ajanayat — begot; putrān — sons; puṣkariṇyām — in Puṣkariṇī, his wife; ṣaṭ — six; uttamān — very good; aṅgam — Aṅga; sumanasam — Sumanā; khyātim — Khyāti; kratum — Kratu; aṅgirasam — Aṅgirā; gayam — Gaya.


Of the twelve sons, Ulmuka begot six sons in his wife Puṣkariṇī. They were all very good sons, and their names were Aṅga, Sumanā, Khyāti, Kratu, Aṅgirā and Gaya.

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