
SB 4.13.14

प्रदोषो निशिथो व्युष्ट इति दोषासुतास्त्रय: ।
व्युष्ट: सुतं पुष्करिण्यां सर्वतेजसमादधे ॥ १४ ॥


pradoṣaḥ — Pradoṣa; niśithaḥ — Niśitha; vyuṣṭaḥ — Vyuṣṭa; iti — thus; doṣā — of Doṣā; sutāḥ — sons; trayaḥ — three; vyuṣṭaḥ — Vyuṣṭa; sutam — son; puṣkariṇyām — in Puṣkariṇī; sarva-tejasam — named Sarvatejā (all-powerful); ādadhe — begot.


Doṣā had three sons — Pradoṣa, Niśitha and Vyuṣṭa. Vyuṣṭa’s wife was named Puṣkariṇī, and she gave birth to a very powerful son named Sarvatejā.

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