
SB 12.9.26

तद्दर्शनाद् वीतपरिश्रमो मुदा
प्रोत्फुल्ल‍हृत्पद्मविलोचनाम्बुज: ।
प्रष्टुं पुरस्तं प्रससार बालकम् ॥ २६ ॥


tat-darśanāt — by seeing the child; vīta — dispelled; pariśramaḥ — his weariness; mudā — out of pleasure; protphulla — expanded wide; hṛt-padma — the lotus of his heart; vilocana-ambujaḥ — and his lotus eyes; prahṛṣṭa — standing on end; romā — the hairs on his body; adbhuta-bhāva — about the identity of this wonderful form; śaṅkitaḥ — confused; praṣṭum — in order to inquire; puraḥ — in front; tam — of Him; prasasāra — he approached; bālakam — the child.


As Mārkaṇḍeya beheld the child, all his weariness vanished. Indeed, so great was his pleasure that the lotus of his heart, along with his lotus eyes, fully blossomed and the hairs on his body stood on end. Confused as to the identity of the wonderful infant, the sage approached Him.


Mārkaṇḍeya wanted to ask the child about His identity and therefore approached Him.

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