
SB 12.9.13

अन्तर्बहिश्चाद्भ‍िरतिद्युभि: खरै:
शतह्रदाभिरुपतापितं जगत् ।
चतुर्विधं वीक्ष्य सहात्मना मुनि-
र्जलाप्लुतां क्ष्मां विमना: समत्रसत् ॥ १३ ॥


antaḥ — internally; bahiḥ — externally; ca — and; adbhiḥ — by the water; ati-dyubhiḥ — rising higher than the sky; kharaiḥ — by the fierce (winds); śata-hradābhiḥ — by lightning bolts; upatāpitam — greatly distressed; jagat — all the inhabitants of the universe; catuḥ-vidham — of four varieties (those who have taken birth from embryos, from eggs, from seeds and from perspiration); vīkṣya — seeing; saha — along with; ātmanā — himself; muniḥ — the sage; jala — by the water; āplutām — flooded; kṣmām — the earth; vimanāḥ — perplexed; samatrasat — he became fearful.


The sage saw all the inhabitants of the universe, including himself, tormented within and without by the harsh winds, the bolts of lightning, and the great waves rising beyond the sky. As the whole earth flooded, he grew perplexed and fearful.


Here the word catur-vidham refers to the four sources of birth for conditioned souls: embryos, eggs, seeds and perspiration.

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