
SB 12.8.18-20

तदाश्रमपदं पुण्यं पुण्यद्रुमलताञ्चितम् ।
पुण्यद्विजकुलाकीर्णं पुण्यामलजलाशयम् ॥ १८ ॥
मत्तभ्रमरसङ्गीतं मत्तकोकिलकूजितम् ।
मत्तबर्हिनटाटोपं मत्तद्विजकुलाकुलम् ॥ १९ ॥
वायु: प्रविष्ट आदाय हिमनिर्झरशीकरान् ।
सुमनोभि: परिष्वक्तो ववावुत्तम्भयन् स्मरम् ॥ २० ॥


tat — his; āśrama-padam — place of hermitage; puṇyam — pious; puṇya — pious; druma — with trees; latā — and creepers; añcitam — specially marked; puṇya — pious; dvija — of brāhmaṇa sages; kula — with the groups; ākīrṇam — brimming; puṇya — pious; amala — spotless; jala-āśayam — having reservoirs of water; matta — maddened; bhramara — of bees; saṅgītam — with singing; matta — maddened; kokila — of cuckoos; kūjitam — with cooing; matta — maddened; barhi — of peacocks; naṭa-āṭopam — with the frenzy of dancing; matta — maddened; dvija — of birds; kula — with the families; ākulam — filled; vāyuḥ — the wind of the Malaya Hills; praviṣṭaḥ — entering; ādāya — taking up; hima — chilling; nirjhara — of the waterfalls; śīkarān — the drops of mist; sumanobhiḥ — by the flowers; pariṣvaktaḥ — being embraced; vavau — blew; uttambhayan — evoking; smaram — Cupid.


Groves of pious trees decorated the holy āśrama of Mārkaṇḍeya Ṛṣi, and many saintly brāhmaṇas lived there, enjoying the abundant pure, sacred ponds. The āśrama resounded with the buzzing of intoxicated bees and the cooing of excited cuckoos, while jubilant peacocks danced about. Indeed, many families of maddened birds crowded that hermitage. The springtime breeze sent by Lord Indra entered there, carrying cooling drops of spray from nearby waterfalls. Fragrant from the embrace of forest flowers, that breeze entered the hermitage and began evoking the lusty spirit of Cupid.

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