
SB 12.8.14

तस्यैवं युञ्जतश्चित्तं महायोगेन योगिन: ।
व्यतीयाय महान् कालो मन्वन्तरषडात्मक: ॥ १४ ॥


tasya — he; evam — thus; yuñjataḥ — while fixing; cittam — his mind; mahā-yogena — by powerful practice of yoga; yoginaḥ — the mystic sage; vyatīyāya — passed by; mahān — a great; kālaḥ — period of time; manu-antara — lifetimes of Manu; ṣaṭ — six; ātmakaḥ — consisting of.


While the mystic sage thus concentrated his mind by powerful yoga practice, the tremendous period of six lifetimes of Manu passed by.

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