
SB 12.7.7

कश्यपोऽहं च सावर्णी रामशिष्योऽकृतव्रण: ।
अधीमहि व्यासशिष्याच्चत्वारो मूलसंहिता: ॥ ७ ॥


kaśyapaḥ — Kaśyapa; aham — I; ca — and; sāvarṇiḥ — Sāvarṇi; rāma-śiṣyaḥ — a disciple of Rāma; akṛtavraṇaḥ — namely Akṛtavraṇa; adhīmahi — we have assimilated; vyāsa-śiṣyāt — from the disciple of Vyāsa (Romaharṣaṇa); catvāraḥ — four; mūla-saṁhitāḥ — basic collections.


Romaharṣaṇa, a disciple of Vedavyāsa, divided the Purāṇas into four basic compilations. The sage Kaśyapa and I, along with Sāvarṇi and Akṛtavraṇa, a disciple of Rāma, learned these four divisions.

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