SB 12.7.2
वेददर्शस्य शिष्यास्ते पथ्यशिष्यानथो शृणु ।
कुमुद: शुनको ब्रह्मन् जाजलिश्चाप्यथर्ववित् ॥ २ ॥
śauklāyaniḥ brahmabaliḥ — Śauklāyani and Brahmabali; modoṣaḥ pippalāyaniḥ — Modoṣa and Pippalāyani; vedadarśasya — of Vedadarśa; śiṣyāḥ — the disciples; te — they; pathya-śiṣyān — the disciples of Pathya; atho — furthermore; śṛṇu — please hear; kumudaḥ śunakaḥ — Kumuda and Śunaka; brahman — O brāhmaṇa, Śaunaka; jājaliḥ — Jājali; ca — and; - — also; atharva-vit — full in knowledge of the Atharva Veda.
Śauklāyani, Brahmabali, Modoṣa and Pippalāyani were disciples of Vedadarśa. Hear from me also the names of the disciples of Pathya. My dear brāhmaṇa, they are Kumuda, Śunaka and Jājali, all of whom knew the Atharva Veda very well.
According to Śrīla Śrīdhara Svāmī, Vedadarśa divided his edition of the Atharva Veda into four parts and instructed them to his four disciples. Pathya divided his edition into three parts and instructed it to the three disciples mentioned here.
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