SB 12.6.9-10
समाधाय परं दध्यावस्पन्दासुर्यथा तरु: ॥ ९ ॥
प्राक्कूले बर्हिष्यासीनो गङ्गाकूल उदङ्मुख: ।
ब्रह्मभूतो महायोगी नि:सङ्गश्छिन्नसंशय: ॥ १० ॥
parīkṣit — Mahārāja Parīkṣit; - — furthermore; rāja-ṛṣiḥ — the great saintly King; ātmani — within his own spiritual identity; ātmānam — his mind; ātmanā — by his intelligence; samādhāya — placing; param — upon the Supreme; dadhyau — he meditated; aspanda — motionless; asuḥ — his living air; yathā — just as; taruḥ — a tree; prāk-kūle — with the tips of its stalks facing east; barhiṣi — upon darbha grass; āsīnaḥ — sitting; gaṅgā-kūle — on the bank of the Gaṅgā; udak-mukhaḥ — facing north; brahma-bhūtaḥ — in perfect realization of his true identity; mahā-yogī — the exalted mystic; niḥsaṅgaḥ — free of all material attachment; chinna — broken off; saṁśayaḥ — all doubts.
Mahārāja Parīkṣit then sat down on the bank of the Ganges, upon a seat made of darbha grass with the tips of its stalks facing east, and turned himself toward the north. Having attained the perfection of yoga, he experienced full self-realization and was free of material attachment and doubt. The saintly King settled his mind within his spiritual self by pure intelligence and proceeded to meditate upon the Supreme Absolute Truth. His life air ceased to move, and he became as stationary as a tree.
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