
SB 12.6.26

सर्पचौराग्निविद्युद्‌भ्य: क्षुत्तृड्‌व्याध्यादिभिर्नृप ।
पञ्चत्वमृच्छते जन्तुर्भुङ्क्त आरब्धकर्म तत् ॥ २६ ॥


sarpa — from snakes; caura — thieves; agni — fire; vidyudbhyaḥ — and lightning; kṣut — from hunger; tṛṭ — thirst; vyādhi — disease; ādibhiḥ — and other agents; nṛpa — O King; pañcatvam — death; ṛcchate — obtains; jantuḥ — the conditioned living entity; bhuṅkte — he enjoys; ārabdha — already created by his past work; karma — the fruitive reaction; tat — that.


When a conditioned soul is killed by snakes, thieves, fire, lightning, hunger, disease or anything else, he is experiencing the reaction to his own past work.


According to Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura, King Parīkṣit obviously was not suffering the reaction of past karma. As a great devotee he was personally brought back home, back to Godhead, by the Lord.

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