SB 12.6.20
सहेन्द्रस्तक्षको विप्रा नाग्नौ किमिति पात्यते ॥ २० ॥
pārīkṣitaḥ — King Janamejaya; iti — these words; śrutvā — hearing; prāha — replied; ṛtvijaḥ — to the priests; udāra — broad; dhīḥ — whose intelligence; saha — along with; indraḥ — Indra; takṣakaḥ — Takṣaka; viprāḥ — O brāhmaṇas; na — not; agnau — into the fire; kim — why; iti — indeed; pātyate — is made to fall.
The intelligent King Janamejaya, hearing these words, replied to the priests: Then, my dear brāhmaṇas, why not make Takṣaka fall into the fire, along with his protector, Indra?
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