SB 12.6.11
तक्षक: प्रहितो विप्रा: क्रुद्धेन द्विजसूनुना ।
हन्तुकामो नृपं गच्छन् ददर्श पथि कश्यपम् ॥ ११ ॥
हन्तुकामो नृपं गच्छन् ददर्श पथि कश्यपम् ॥ ११ ॥
takṣakaḥ — the snake-bird Takṣaka; prahitaḥ — sent; viprāḥ — O learned brāhmaṇas; kruddhena — who had been angered; dvija — of the sage Śamīka; sūnunā — by the son; hantu-kāmaḥ — desirous of killing; nṛpam — the King; gacchan — while going; dadarśa — he saw; pathi — upon the road; kaśyapam — Kaśyapa Muni.
O learned brāhmaṇas, the snake-bird Takṣaka, who had been sent by the angry son of a brāhmaṇa, was going toward the King to kill him when he saw Kaśyapa Muni on the path.
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