
SB 12.5.9

एवमात्मानमात्मस्थमात्मनैवामृश प्रभो ।
बुद्ध्यानुमानगर्भिण्या वासुदेवानुचिन्तया ॥ ९ ॥


evam — in this way; ātmānam — your true self; ātma-stham — situated within the bodily covering; ātmanā — with your mind; eva — indeed; āmṛśa — consider carefully; prabho — O master of the self (King Parīkṣit); buddhyā — with intelligence; anumāna-garbhiṇyā — conceived by logic; vāsudeva-anucintayā — with meditation upon Lord Vāsudeva.


My dear King, by constantly meditating upon the Supreme Lord, Vāsudeva, and by applying clear and logical intelligence, you should carefully consider your true self and how it is situated within the material body.


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