SB 12.2.31
तदा प्रवृत्तस्तु कलिर्द्वादशाब्दशतात्मक: ॥ ३१ ॥
yadā — when; deva-ṛṣayaḥ sapta — the seven sages among the demigods; maghāsu — in the lunar mansion Maghā; vicaranti — are traveling; hi — indeed; tadā — then; pravṛttaḥ — begins; tu — and; kaliḥ — the Age of Kali; dvādaśa — twelve; abda-śata — centuries [These twelve hundred years of the demigods equal 432,000 earth years]; ātmakaḥ — consisting of.
When the constellation of the seven sages is passing through the lunar mansion Maghā, the Age of Kali begins. It comprises twelve hundred years of the demigods.
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