SB 12.2.27-28
तयोस्तु मध्ये नक्षत्रं दृश्यते यत् समं निशि ॥ २७ ॥
तेनैव ऋषयो युक्तास्तिष्ठन्त्यब्दशतं नृणाम् ।
ते त्वदीये द्विजा: काल अधुना चाश्रिता मघा: ॥ २८ ॥
sapta-ṛṣīṇām — of the constellation of the seven sages (the constellation known to Westerners as Ursa Major); tu — and; yau — which two stars; pūrvau — first; dṛśyete — are seen; uditau — risen; divi — in the sky; tayoḥ — of the two (named Pulaha and Kratu); tu — and; madhye — between; nakṣatram — the lunar mansion; dṛśyate — is seen; yat — which; samam — on the same line of celestial longitude, as their midpoint; niśi — in the night sky; tena — with that lunar mansion; eva — indeed; ṛṣayaḥ — the seven sages; yuktāḥ — are connected; tiṣṭhanti — they remain; abda-śatam — one hundred years; nṛṇām — of human beings; te — these seven sages; tvadīye — in your; dvijāḥ — the elevated brāhmaṇas; kāle — in the time; adhunā — now; ca — and; āśritāḥ — are situated; maghāḥ — in the asterism Maghā.
Of the seven stars forming the constellation of the seven sages, Pulaha and Kratu are the first to rise in the night sky. If a line running north and south were drawn through their midpoint, whichever of the lunar mansions this line passes through is said to be the ruling asterism of the constellation for that time. The Seven Sages will remain connected with that particular lunar mansion for one hundred human years. Currently, during your lifetime, they are situated in the nakṣatra called Maghā.
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