SB 12.2.18
शम्भलग्राममुख्यस्य ब्राह्मणस्य महात्मन: ।
भवने विष्णुयशस: कल्कि: प्रादुर्भविष्यति ॥ १८ ॥
भवने विष्णुयशस: कल्कि: प्रादुर्भविष्यति ॥ १८ ॥
śambhala-grāma — in the village Śambhala; mukhyasya — of the chief citizen; brāhmaṇasya — of the brāhmaṇa; mahā-ātmanaḥ — the great soul; bhavane — in the home; viṣṇuyaśasaḥ — of Viṣṇuyaśā; kalkiḥ — Lord Kalki; prādurbhaviṣyati — will appear.
Lord Kalki will appear in the home of the most eminent brāhmaṇa of Śambhala village, the great soul Viṣṇuyaśā.
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