SB 12.12.66
हरिरितरत्र न गीयते ह्यभीक्ष्णम् ।
इह तु पुनर्भगवानशेषमूर्ति:
परिपठितोऽनुपदं कथाप्रसङ्गै: ॥ ६६ ॥
kali — of the age of quarrel; mala-saṁhati — of all the contamination; kālanaḥ — the annihilator; akhila-īśaḥ — the supreme controller of all beings; hariḥ — Lord Hari; itaratra — elsewhere; na gīyate — is not described; hi — indeed; abhīkṣṇam — constantly; iha — here; tu — however; punaḥ — on the other hand; bhagavān — the Personality of Godhead; aśeṣa-mūrtiḥ — who expands in unlimited personal forms; paripaṭhitaḥ — is openly described in narration; anu-padam — in each and every verse; kathā-prasaṅgaiḥ — on the pretext of stories.
Lord Hari, the supreme controller of all beings, annihilates the accumulated sins of the Kali age, yet other literatures do not constantly glorify Him. But that Supreme Personality of Godhead, appearing in His innumerable personal expansions, is abundantly and constantly described throughout the various narrations of this Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.
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