SB 12.12.65
वैश्यो निधिपतित्वं च शूद्र: शुध्येत पातकात् ॥ ६५ ॥
vipraḥ — a brāhmaṇa; adhītya — studying; āpnuyāt — achieves; prajñām — intelligence in devotional service; rājanya — a king; udadhi-mekhalām — (the earth) bounded by the seas; vaiśyaḥ — a businessman; nidhi — of treasures; patitvam — lordship; ca — and; śūdraḥ — a worker; śudhyeta — becomes purified; pātakāt — from sinful reactions.
A brāhmaṇa who studies the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam achieves firm intelligence in devotional service, a king who studies it gains sovereignty over the earth, a vaiśya acquires great treasure and a śūdra is freed from sinful reactions.
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