SB 12.12.50
तदेव शश्वन्मनसो महोत्सवम् ।
तदेव शोकार्णवशोषणं नृणां
यदुत्तम:श्लोकयशोऽनुगीयते ॥ ५० ॥
tat — that; eva — indeed; ramyam — attractive; ruciram — palatable; navam navam — newer and newer; tat — that; eva — indeed; śaśvat — constantly; manasaḥ — for the mind; mahā-utsavam — a great festival; tat — that; eva — indeed; śoka-arṇava — the ocean of misery; śoṣaṇam — that which dries; nṛṇām — for all persons; yat — in which; uttamaḥśloka — of the all-famous Supreme Personality of Godhead; yaśaḥ — the glories; anugīyate — are sung.
Those words describing the glories of the all-famous Personality of Godhead are attractive, relishable and ever fresh. Indeed, such words are a perpetual festival for the mind, and they dry up the ocean of misery.
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