SB 12.12.40-41
शम्बरो द्विविद: पीठो मुर: पञ्चजनादय: ॥ ४० ॥
माहात्म्यं च वधस्तेषां वाराणस्याश्च दाहनम् ।
भारावतरणं भूमेर्निमित्तीकृत्य पाण्डवान् ॥ ४१ ॥
caidya — of the King of Cedi, Śiśupāla; pauṇḍraka — of Pauṇḍraka; śālvānām — and of Śālva; dantavakrasya — of Dantavakra; durmateḥ — the foolish; śambaraḥ dvividaḥ pīṭhaḥ — the demons Śambara, Dvivida and Pīṭha; muraḥ pañcajana-ādayaḥ — Mura, Pañcajana and others; māhātmyam — the prowess; ca — and; vadhaḥ — the death; teṣām — of these; vārāṇasyāḥ — of the holy city of Benares; ca — and; dāhanam — the burning; bhāra — of the burden; avataraṇam — the reduction; bhūmeḥ — of the earth; nimittī-kṛtya — making the apparent cause; pāṇḍavān — the sons of Pāṇḍu.
There are descriptions of the powers and the deaths of the King of Cedi, Pauṇḍraka, Śālva, the foolish Dantavakra, Śambara, Dvivida, Pīṭha, Mura, Pañcajana and other demons, along with a description of how Vārāṇasī was burned to the ground. The Bhāgavatam also recounts how Lord Kṛṣṇa relieved the earth’s burden by engaging the Pāṇḍavas in the Battle of Kurukṣetra.
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