SB 12.11.6-8
नाभि: सूर्योऽक्षिणी नासे वायु: कर्णौ दिश: प्रभो: ॥ ६ ॥
प्रजापति: प्रजननमपानो मृत्युरीशितु: ।
तद्बाहवो लोकपाला मनश्चन्द्रो भ्रुवौ यम: ॥ ७ ॥
लज्जोत्तरोऽधरो लोभो दन्ता ज्योत्स्ना स्मयो भ्रम: ।
रोमाणि भूरुहा भूम्नो मेघा: पुरुषमूर्धजा: ॥ ८ ॥
etat — this; vai — indeed; pauruṣam — of the Virāṭ-puruṣa; rūpam — the form; bhūḥ — the earth; pādau — His feet; dyauḥ — heaven; śiraḥ — His head; nabhaḥ — the sky; nābhiḥ — His navel; sūryaḥ — the sun; akṣiṇī — His eyes; nāse — His nostrils; vāyuḥ — the air; karṇau — His ears; diśaḥ — the directions; prabhoḥ — of the Supreme Lord; prajā-patiḥ — the demigod of procreation; prajananam — His genitals; apānaḥ — His anus; mṛtyuḥ — death; īśituḥ — of the absolute controller; tat-bāhavaḥ — His many arms; loka-pālāḥ — the presiding demigods of the various planets; manaḥ — His mind; candraḥ — the moon; bhruvau — His eyebrows; yamaḥ — the god of death; lajjā — shame; uttaraḥ — His upper lip; adharaḥ — His lower lip; lobhaḥ — greed; dantāḥ — His teeth; jyotsnā — the light of the moon; smayaḥ — His smile; bhramaḥ — delusion; romāṇi — the hairs of the body; bhū-ruhāḥ — the trees; bhūmnaḥ — of the almighty Lord; meghāḥ — the clouds; puruṣa — of the Virāṭ-puruṣa; mūrdha-jāḥ — the hairs upon the head.
This is the representation of the Supreme Lord as the universal person, in which the earth is His feet, the sky His navel, the sun His eyes, the wind His nostrils, the demigod of procreation His genitals, death His anus and the moon His mind. The heavenly planets are His head, the directions His ears, and the demigods protecting the various planets His many arms. The god of death is His eyebrows, shame His lower lip, greed His upper lip, delusion His smile, and moonshine His teeth, while the trees are the almighty Puruṣa’s bodily hairs, and the clouds the hair on His head.
Various aspects of material creation, such as the earth, the sun and the trees, are sustained by various limbs of the universal body of the Lord. Thus they are considered nondifferent from Him, as described in this verse, which is meant for meditation.
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