
SB 12.10.25

श्रवणाद् दर्शनाद् वापि महापातकिनोऽपि व: ।
शुध्येरन्नन्त्यजाश्चापि किमु सम्भाषणादिभि: ॥ २५ ॥


śravaṇāt — by hearing about; darśanāt — by seeing; vā — or; - — also; mahā-pātakinaḥ — those who commit the worst kinds of sins; - — even; vaḥ — you; śudhyeran — they become purified; antya-jāḥ — outcastes; ca — and; - — even; kim u — what to speak of; sambhāṣaṇa-ādibhiḥ — by directly speaking with, and so on.


Even the worst sinners and social outcastes are purified just by hearing about or seeing personalities like you. Imagine, then, how purified they become by directly speaking with you.

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