SB 11.4.9
सव्रीडनम्रशिरस: सघृणं तमूचु: ।
नैतद् विभो त्वयि परेऽविकृते विचित्रं
स्वारामधीरनिकरानतपादपद्मे ॥ ९ ॥
ittham — in this way; bruvati — when He had spoken; abhaya-de — the giver of fearlessness; nara-deva — O King (Nimi); devāḥ — the demigods (Cupid and his associates); sa-vrīḍa — out of shame; namra — bowed; śirasaḥ — with their heads; sa-ghṛṇam — begging for compassion; tam — to Him; ūcuḥ — they said; na — is not; etat — this; vibho — O almighty Lord; tvayi — for You; pare — the Supreme; avikṛte — unchanging; vicitram — anything surprising; sva-ārāma — of those who are self-satisfied; dhīra — and those who are sober-minded; nikara — by great numbers; ānata — bowed down to; pāda-padme — whose lotus feet.
My dear King Nimi, when Nara-Nārāyaṇa Ṛṣi thus spoke, eradicating the fear of the demigods, they bowed their heads with shame and addressed the Lord as follows, to invoke His compassion: Our dear Lord, You are always transcendental, beyond the reach of illusion, and therefore You are forever changeless. Your causeless compassion toward us, despite our great offense, is not at all unusual in You, since innumerable great sages who are self-satisfied and free from anger and false pride bow down humbly at Your lotus feet.
The demigods said, “Our dear Lord, although ordinary living entities such as the demigods and ordinary men are always disturbed by material pride and anger, You are always transcendental. Therefore it is not surprising that we fallible demigods could not appreciate Your glories.”
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