
SB 11.19.25

यदात्मन्यर्पितं चित्तं शान्तं सत्त्वोपबृंहितम् ।
धर्मं ज्ञानं सवैराग्यमैश्वर्यं चाभिपद्यते ॥ २५ ॥


yadā — when; ātmani — in the Supreme Lord; arpitam — fixed; cittam — consciousness; śāntam — peaceful; sattva — by the mode of goodness; upabṛṁhitam — strengthened; dharmam — religiosity; jñānam — knowledge; - — he; vairāgyam — detachment; aiśvaryam — opulence; ca — also; abhipadyate — achieves.


When one’s peaceful consciousness, strengthened by the mode of goodness, is fixed on the Personality of Godhead, one achieves religiosity, knowledge, detachment and opulence.


A pure devotee becomes peaceful, śānta, by desiring everything for the service of the Lord and nothing for himself. He is strengthened by the transcendental, or purified, mode of goodness and thus achieves the supreme religious principle of directly serving the Lord. He also achieves jñāna, or knowledge of the Lord’s form and his own spiritual body, detachment from material piety and sin, and the opulences of the spiritual world. One who is not a pure devotee of the Lord, however, but whose devotion is mixed with a fascination for mystic knowledge, is strengthened by the material mode of goodness. Through his meditation on the Lord he achieves the lesser results of dharma (piety in the mode of goodness), jñāna (knowledge of spirit and matter) and vairāgya (detachment from the lower modes of nature). Ultimately, one should be a pure devotee of the Lord, since even the best the material world has to offer is most insignificant compared to the kingdom of God.

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