
SB 10.54.13

शौरे: सप्तदशाहं वै संयुगानि पराजित: ।
त्रयोविंशतिभि: सैन्यैर्जिग्ये एकमहं परम् ॥ १३ ॥


śaureḥ — with Kṛṣṇa; sapta-daśa — seventeen; aham — I; vai — indeed; saṁyugāni — battles; parājitaḥ — lost; trayaḥ-viṁśatibhiḥ — twenty-three; sainyaiḥ — with armies; jigye — won; ekam — one; aham — I; param — only.


In battle with Kṛṣṇa I and my twenty-three armies lost seventeen times; only once did I defeat Him.


Jarāsandha offers his own life as an example of the inevitable happiness and distress of this material world.

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