
SB 10.48.6

आहूय कान्तां नवसङ्गमह्रिया
विशङ्कितां कङ्कणभूषिते करे ।
प्रगृह्य शय्यामधिवेश्य रामया
रेमेऽनुलेपार्पणपुण्यलेशया ॥ ६ ॥


āhūya — calling forward; kāntām — His beloved; nava — new; saṅgama — of contact; hriyā — with shyness; viśaṅkitām — fearful; kaṅkaṇa — with bangles; bhūṣite — ornamented; kare — her two hands; pragṛhya — taking hold of; śayyām — on the bed; adhiveśya — placing her; rāmayā — with the beautiful girl; reme — He enjoyed; anulepa — of ointment; arpaṇa — the offering; puṇya — of piety; leśayā — whose single trace.


Calling forward His beloved, who was anxious and shy at the prospect of this new contact, the Lord pulled her by her bangled hands onto the bed. Thus He enjoyed with that beautiful girl, whose only trace of piety was her having offered ointment to the Lord.


Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī explains that the words nava-saṅgama-hriyā indicate that Trivakrā was in fact a virgin girl at this point. She had been a deformed hunchback, and the Lord had recently transformed her into a beautiful girl. Therefore, although clearly lusting after Śrī Kṛṣṇa, she was naturally shy and anxious.

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