
SB 10.48.31

न ह्यम्मयानि तीर्थानि न देवा मृच्छिलामया: ।
ते पुनन्त्युरुकालेन दर्शनादेव साधव: ॥ ३१ ॥


na — not; hi — indeed; ap-mayāni — made of water; tīrthāni — holy places; na — such is not the case; devāḥ — deities; mṛt — of earth; śilā — and stone; mayāḥ — made; te — they; punanti — purify; uru-kālena — after a long time; darśanāt — by being seen; eva — only; sādhavaḥ — saints.


No one can deny that there are holy places with sacred rivers, or that the demigods appear in deity forms made of earth and stone. But these purify the soul only after a long time, whereas saintly persons purify just by being seen.

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