
SB 10.48.10

तस्यै कामवरं दत्त्वा मानयित्वा च मानद: ।
सहोद्धवेन सर्वेश: स्वधामागमद् ऋद्धिमत् ॥ १० ॥


tasyai — to her; kāma — of material desire; varam — her benediction; dattvā — granting; mānayitvā — showing her respect; ca — and; māna-daḥ — He who gives respect to others; saha uddhavena — together with Uddhava; sarva-īśaḥ — the Lord of all beings; sva — to His own; dhāma — residence; agamat — went; ṛddhi-mat — supremely opulent.


Promising her the fulfillment of this lusty desire, considerate Kṛṣṇa, Lord of all beings, paid Trivakrā His respects and then returned with Uddhava to His own supremely opulent residence.


All the ācāryas agree that the words kāma-varaṁ dattvā indicate that Lord Kṛṣṇa promised Trivakrā He would fulfill her lusty desires.

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