SB 10.44.9
धर्मव्यतिक्रमो ह्यस्य समाजस्य ध्रुवं भवेत् । यत्राधर्म: समुत्तिष्ठेन्न स्थेयं तत्र कर्हिचित् ॥ ९ ॥
dharma — of religious principles; vyatikramaḥ — transgression; hi — indeed; asya — by this; samājasya — company; dhruvam — certainly; bhavet — must be; yatra — wherein; adharmaḥ — irreligion; samuttiṣṭhet — has fully arisen; na stheyam — one should not remain; tatra — there; karhicit — for any duration of time at all.
Religious principles have certainly been violated in this assembly. One should not remain for even a moment in a place where irreligion is flourishing.
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