
SB 10.44.15

या दोहनेऽवहनने मथनोपलेप-प्रेङ्खेङ्खनार्भरुदितोक्षणमार्जनादौ । गायन्ति चैनमनुरक्तधियोऽश्रुकण्ठ्योधन्या व्रजस्त्रिय उरुक्रमचित्तयाना: ॥ १५ ॥


- — who (the gopīs); dohane — while milking; avahanane — threshing; mathana — churning; upalepa — smearing; preṅkha — on swings; iṅkhana — swinging; arbha-rudita — (taking care of) crying babies; ukṣaṇa — sprinkling; mārjana — cleaning; ādau — and so on; gāyanti — they sing; ca — and; enam — about Him; anurakta — very much attached; dhiyaḥ — whose minds; aśru — with tears; kaṇṭhyaḥ — whose throats; dhanyāḥ — fortunate; vraja-striyaḥ — the ladies of Vraja; urukrama — of Lord Kṛṣṇa; citta — by consciousness; yānāḥ — whose acquisition of all desired objects.


The ladies of Vraja are the most fortunate of women because, with their minds fully attached to Kṛṣṇa and their throats always choked up with tears, they constantly sing about Him while milking the cows, winnowing grain, churning butter, gathering cow dung for fuel, riding on swings, taking care of their crying babies, sprinkling the ground with water, cleaning their houses, and so on. By their exalted Kṛṣṇa consciousness they automatically acquire all desirable things.

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