SB 10.42.9
ततो रूपगुणौदार्यसम्पन्ना प्राह केशवम् । उत्तरीयान्तमाकृष्य स्मयन्ती जातहृच्छया ॥ ९ ॥
tataḥ — then; rūpa — with beauty; guṇa — good character; audārya — and generosity; sampannā — endowed; prāha — she addressed; keśavam — Lord Kṛṣṇa; uttarīya — of His upper garment; antam — the end; ākṛṣya — pulling; smayantī — smiling; jāta — having developed; hṛt-śayā — lusty feelings.
Now endowed with beauty, character and generosity, Trivakrā began to feel lusty desires for Lord Keśava. Taking hold of the end of His upper cloth, she smiled and addressed Him as follows.
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