
SB 10.42.13

विसृज्य माध्व्या वाण्या ताम्व्रजन् मार्गे वणिक्पथै: । नानोपायनताम्बूलस्रग्गन्धै: साग्रजोऽर्चित: ॥ १३ ॥


visṛjya — leaving; mādhvyā — sweet; vāṇyā — with words; tām — her; vrajan — walking; mārge — along the road; vaṇik-pathaiḥ — by the merchants; nānā — with various; upāyana — respectful offerings; tāmbūla — betel nut; srak — garlands; gandhaiḥ — and fragrant substances; sa — together with; agra-jaḥ — His elder brother; arcitaḥ — worshiped.


Leaving her with these sweet words, Lord Kṛṣṇa walked further down the road. The merchants along the way worshiped Him and His elder brother by presenting Them with various respectful offerings, including pān, garlands and fragrant substances.

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