SB 10.37.7
निरुद्धवायुश्चरणांश्च विक्षिपन् ।
प्रस्विन्नगात्र: परिवृत्तलोचन:
पपात लण्डं विसृजन् क्षितौ व्यसु: ॥ ७ ॥
samedhamānena — expanding; - — he; kṛṣṇa-bāhunā — by Lord Kṛṣṇa’s arm; niruddha — stopped; vāyuḥ — his breathing; caraṇān — his legs; ca — and; vikṣipan — throwing about; prasvinna — perspiring; gātraḥ — his body; parivṛtta — rolling; locanaḥ — his eyes; papāta — he fell down; laṇḍam — feces; visṛjan — excreting; kṣitau — onto the ground; vyasuḥ — lifeless.
As Lord Kṛṣṇa’s expanding arm completely blocked Keśī’s breathing, his legs kicked convulsively, his body became covered with sweat, and his eyes rolled around. The demon then passed stool and fell on the ground, dead.
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