SB 10.37.23
विनिर्मिताशेषविशेषकल्पनम् ।
नतोऽस्मि धुर्यं यदुवृष्णिसात्वताम् ॥ २३ ॥
tvām — to You; īśvaram — the supreme controller; sva-āśrayam — self-contained; ātma — Your own; māyayā — by the creative potency; vinirmita — constructed; aśeṣa — unlimited; viśeṣa — particular; kalpanam — arrangements; krīḍa — of playing; artham — for the sake; adya — now; ātta — taken on; manuṣya — among humans; vigraham — battle; nataḥ — bowed down; asmi — I am; dhuryam — to the greatest; yadu-vṛṣṇi-sātvatām — of the Yadu, Vṛṣṇi and Sātvata dynasties.
I bow down to You, the supreme controller, who are dependent only on Yourself. By Your potency You have constructed the unlimited particular arrangements of this universe. Now you have appeared as the greatest hero among the Yadus, Vṛṣṇis and Sātvatas and have chosen to participate in human warfare.
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