
SB 10.27.17

गम्यतां शक्र भद्रं व: क्रियतां मेऽनुशासनम् । स्थीयतां स्वाधिकारेषु युक्तैर्व: स्तम्भवर्जितै: ॥ १७ ॥


gamyatām — you may go; śakra — O Indra; bhadram — good fortune; vaḥ — unto you; kriyatām — you should execute; me — My; anuśāsanam — order; sthīyatām — you may remain; sva — in your own; adhikāreṣu — responsibilities; yuktaiḥ — soberly engaged; vaḥ — you; stambha — false pride; varjitaiḥ — devoid of.


Indra, you may now go. Execute My order and remain in your appointed position as King of heaven. But be sober, without false pride.


Lord Kṛṣṇa here addresses Indra in the plural form (vaḥ) because this grave instruction was meant to be a lesson for all the demigods.

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