SB 10.26.20
purā — formerly; anena — by Kṛṣṇa; vraja-pate — O King of Vraja; sādhavaḥ — those who were honest; dasyu-pīḍitāḥ — being disturbed by rogues and thieves; arājake — when there was an irregular government; rakṣyamāṇāḥ — were protected; jigyuḥ — conquered; dasyūn — the rogues and thieves; samedhitāḥ — flourished.
O Nanda Mahārāja, as recorded in history, when there was an irregular, incapable government, Indra having been dethroned, and when honest people were being harassed and disturbed by thieves, this child appeared in order to curb the rogues and to protect the people and enable them to flourish.
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